Briefing No. 38

What we’re reading

On the Greenwood Place Bedside Table

Thirty years ago, the main population question was “How can we stop the world reaching 24 billion?” Now, falling child bearing and falling death rates in almost all countries raise different questions. Dr Sarah Harper’s book 'How Population Change Will Transform Our World' provides a coherent, intelligent and crystal-clear analysis of global shifts and the opportunities of demographic change.  

Freedom From Want

The 2022 BBC Reith Lectures were inspired by President Franklin D Roosevelt's four freedoms speech of 1941. Author, musician and social commentator Darren (“Loki”) McGarvey gave the third of four lectures addressing 'Freedom from Want’. We listened to it again this week.


Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,

you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.

A World of Good Relationships

Relationships, David Robinson argues, are the foundation on which all else is built - including effective education, just policing, stable childhoods, thriving communities, flourishing businesses - even longer lives… Robinson's recent lecture at the London School of Economics gives a taster of his work with The Relationships Project.

Mapping: Food Unaffordability Across the World

The World Health Organization found that the COVID-19 pandemic and war in Ukraine pushed 122 million more people into food insecurity between 2019 and 2022. Higher food prices, combined with increasing poverty, have resulted in rising food unaffordability, especially in certain regions of the world.

The Culture Map

Erin Meyer’s book has been the talk of the Greenwood Place office over the past week. Communicating across cultures is central to our work as donors, and we love the way that Meyer draws out the misunderstandings that can arise from clashing cultural assumptions. It’s a fun read.

Delivering Hope

Imagine a world where innovations could save the lives of 2 million more mothers and babies. When a mother dies during childbirth, the future dies with her. 

The Gates Foundation's 2023 Goalkeepers Report explores how many additional lives might be saved if available innovations were to be used widely in low and middle income countries.

Early Relational Health

Positive early relationships are the keys to lifelong health and well-being and essential to protecting children and families from adversity. Our friends at the Burke Foundation commissioned this report from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education outlining the critical importance of family-friendly policies and practices in building thriving families and, ultimately, thriving communities.  

Old World Young Africa

This New York Times interactive article gives an upbeat and visual run through some of the points made in Susan Harper’s book.


Pathways to Change is underway! With thanks to our partners at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation we were delighted to bring together programme participants and social entrepreneurs for an introductory drinks session in London. The main educational programme kicks off in January so there is still time for philanthropists interested to deepen their understanding and effectiveness to join. Let us know if you’d like to find out more.


Greenwood Place provides philanthropy support, advice and execution for a small group of strategic philanthropists. We take an entrepreneurial approach to tackling tough social and environmental problems. We work closely with our clients to find the places where they can make most difference, we support their learning and we partner with them to achieve real, lasting change.

The Greenwood is the place in Shakespeare's plays where characters go to grow, change and learn.


Briefing No. 39


Briefing No. 37